Tuesday, August 29, 2006

What a Result (Part 2)

Why hello there everyone, lots of posts happening now, well you get what you ask for!

I'd like to point your attention over to the Worthing Herald to their site and partically this article:


Of which myself, Matt, Dan and Ben are mentioned (now before this seems vain for me mentioning this please bare in mind you are reading a blog about us :D)

Also they got my results wrong! Im very depressed, so im going to dig myself a small hole and get inside right now. As for the rest of you enjoy the reading you can do below...

"Beaming Matt Gates, 16, from Shoreham, got eight A*s and three As. He is going to BHASVIC.
Daniel Riggs, 16, from Shoreham swept the boards with an impressive ten As and one A*. He said: "I had hoped I would get something along those lines, but you can never be too sure, I'm very pleased."
His friend, Mark Strong, got ten top grades, He got six A*s and four As. He is also going to BHASVIC to take geography, history, photography and maths."

Its true, Matt was beaming ;)

Im off to BHASVIC tomorrow then, so cya all soon and hope you all making the most of the summer as it's almost over! (sorry, but i had, just HAD to remind you)

Oh and that job is still going, saturday, excellent pay, and you get to work with me, just drop me a line if you want to know more. Its in shoreham aswell. (Get a classy free uniform too and its actually a GOOD job.

Take care y'all and speak soon.
Here to Help

For blogging leagal reasons i must also show support to the following newspapers, Sun, Mirror, Daily Star, Argus and the rest...

If you have a problem, and no-one else can help...

... and if you can find them, maybe you can hire - The A-Team!

Yes, yes we all remember the A-Team, classic! In light of this, I just knocked together this little sequence of the four of us, the real team! Super!

To add to this (as if it wasn't enough already!) i'd also like to hint at the fact our good friend Dan may be joining this blog soon, therefore making it Matt, Mark AND Dan! He already has his own blog (danriggs.blogspot.com) but we're thinking of some merging or at least cross posting (ok, I just made that up- but it sounds exciting, doesn't it....)

Keep well and stay safe, Matt

Monday, August 28, 2006

Sailing (if you can call it that)

Also... before we begin... if your looking for a saturday job with excellent money and great benifits and your an approachable, friendly, presentable person (or near enough) give me a bell and let me know as i know of something going in Shoreham, better still you get to work with me! (Sarcasim)*

Heres a video made by me (ok a poor one at that) but still here goes nothing. Comment and enjoy... (if you can! *que evil laugh*)
Much Love

*Please note this job, despite what i may have led you to beleive, does not involve prostitution

Thursday, August 24, 2006

What a Result!!!!!

Well folks, the GCSE's are in- we hope you all did really well and got everything you hoped for! Meanwhile Ben and I had the unenviable opportunity to open our results live on Southern FM's Radio Breakfast Show! The video below has the interview and some pics that were snapped during it- enjoy us being nervous, it's rare and amusing!

Well it turned out ok then! We're all very happy with our results and I hope you are too, well done everybody you've all worked extremely hard!

All the very best and congratulations! - Matt

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Singin' in the Rain!

Well this may raise a smile, its just my brother on a rainy August day- I may've jazzed it up a bit!

Matt :D

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Right then! I owe a lot of people a lot of shouts and thanks so I thought I’d do them all in one swoop. This post is all about you lot for once- the brilliant bunch of brainy folks who listen in of this ere' blog! I've added as many pictures of you all as I could find!

First and foremost, I've been promising for the longest of times that I’d mention my fair lady (my girlfriend Katie- who is amazing, obviously) on our little corner of the internet. We've been 'stepping out' for a fair old while now (don't we look so happy?!?) and I STILL haven't got round to it- now that's changed. So all my love! (One more item off the list!)

Moving on, the next person is Dan, he is quite simply a leg-end and even has our little blog on this 'Google homepagey thingy' as I call it- top man! Also there is Sarah, I realise I've shouted her before but I just couldn't help it this time- she's such a great reader of the blog and comments everyone (which I love to see, proves there's someone out there!) and, I observed recently, that she has a rather brilliant singing voice (now the world knows!) Next up on my list is Maddi (or Madz!) who also reads our blog a heck of a lot. She would describe herself as 'a bit sexy' and a huge shout to her (epically as she's currently on holiday!)

Finally (I’m near the end- honest!) There's people like Jade, Alex, Emma and Steph who all pop in and read the blog from time to time or otherwise have a good ol' chat with me on msn, it's lovely to keep in touch- they've all asked for a shout at some point so here it is!

Too all you wonderful people, thank you for taking the time to read the blog- it definitely makes me feel that bit more special to know that people like you are around and sometimes interested!

Now that I have fulfilled all of my promises I can sleep easy (in the form of an apology, I have been promising to do this for a while- but its here now!)

You're all great, you people make this blog what it is :D
Matt (and Mark will totally agree and add a comment in due course!)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Bushes, Brambles and Bad Luck

Hey lovin friends,
It me! I'm back! (and im talking about me being Mark by the way)
Anyways, im back from my holiday in Devon, and before you all come rushing to ask me how it was (sarcasim), it was great thanks.

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far, things seem to be cooling down a lil now which is nice, but the bloddy wind! (and thats my rant over)

Anyway i thought id share some of my experainces with you, after all thats what this blog is all about. Isn't it? Or have i lost the plot.
Anyway, i just got my new bike!!!! YEY!
Been a couple of weeks now i've had it, and still falling off (its the pedals you see, you clip in, and well... you cant get out...)

Anyway, today, now i no you want to hear about today. Well today i (all by my little self, on my own) went back over to Devils Dyke and beyond. It started with a quick skip into this forest which i thought may be a wee shortcut to get there. Turned out i was wrong. And basically the consequence on that was me cycling around this palce for about an hour trying to find a way out/the right way to go. In the end i settled on this nice little route which again was another bad idea. Turned out it finished rather abruptly in a field of bushes, thorns, brambles and a whole manor of other nasty things. I continued knee deep, however nature eventually won so i turned back to find myself right next tot he correct path i should have taken.

So off i went... the right way this time. Up a long steep ascent, eventually reaching the top by a farm. "Ooo, this is new i thought" again, of course, being rather wrong. Turns out my shortcut wasn't much of a shortcut after all. Never the less i battled on, and stopped for lunch. For which i would like to thank Mr Kipling, couldnt live without that man, my God his cakes are good. So while i was scoffing away another moutian biker shot past on his Marin Full Suspension rig. Not to be outdone i quickly got back on my saddle and the pursuit ensued. I overtook him on every climb, but on every downhill section he passed me, and unfortuneatly this being the Downs theres rather a lot of both of them.

We both made it to Devils Dyke, neck and neck of sorts at which point we decided introduction were in order. We did all that and i went on a little further while my new 'mate' had lunch. I can't really remember what happened at this point everythign was a little hazzy but there was some hills involved and i eventually found myself back at the dyke. Where i made another discovery two really fit (sorry, 'attractive') girls, doing some sort of sun research with big sticks and a camera (for which i, of course, smiled)( :) something like that) . So if you are one of those people or you know them... well.. uhh.. "hello"!

So at this point i headed for home, some more punishing climbs were in order till i eventually came to this path, where i met my second cycling buddy (stranger even), we met said hello, names followed as did palces where we lived and then we made our way. Maybe again i made my last mistake of going down this pather which turned out to bew rather steep (yes, i was scared!) and full of nasty ruts and really really big rocks! and small ones too.

Anywya at the bottom, there was, well.. nothing. But i gound myself at Bramber (somehow) and thend ecided to take the cycle path home. So then, thank you for sitting through a very boring tale of my adventure today, and if you want to join me on a trip dont hesitate to call!!! Everyone seems busy now with g/f and grandparents! Coh!

Anyway, speak soon people, and pictures will follow shortly...
Take care

(sorry about the post beign so long but if you wanted to read about my/our life/lives this is what your gonna get (from me) im afraid... actually it wont happen again i promise, its all those poetic juices.)

Saturday, August 12, 2006

A Matt Montage?

I was looking at some of the old footage on my computer and decided to make this- the very best of matt!- it has all my best (and worst!) moments! So please, sit and feast on my life.

I also love this song!!!!!

Yours truly, Matt :D

p.s - this'll get you there too : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EnKAvTIq_I

Saturday, August 05, 2006

An Apology From The Lone Ranger...

My dear friends,

Firstly my apologies for not updating the blog in a while but there hasn't been a lot of news! Mark and I now both have jobs and finding time in which to do anything is becoming difficult. A recent trip to Devil's Dyke (cycling- of course!) was pretty funny and worth a mention (we got caught in a hail storm- ouch!) Also we managed to find some 'portajon' loo's in the middle of a field and Mark was convinced that one of them could transport you across the globe! Therefore I have invented a 'TransPortaJon' - see below! Note: The name 'Trans-portajon' belongs to Matt, owever the initial idea is mine! All MINE!!!! (sorry i get possesive sometimes

(well I thought it was funny!)

Another reason for no updates has been the fact that everyone is on holiday at the moment- except me of course! (big shout to Dan, Ben, Katie and our very own Mark if they are reading this on their holidays by the way- most of them have made it to Italy!) So then, it's me 'flying solo' as they say, hope everyone is having a good holiday whatever they're doing!

Matt and Mark

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