Sunday, April 30, 2006

Alex and Jade

Just like to see a quick hi and warm greetings to Alex and Jade!
Way hello there pople.
Hope your well.
Well thats about all for now i think.....



Can you work it out?

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Congratuations - PRINT YOUR MIND

Hello are you lovely, lovely lovely people!

Obviously, we haven't done a lot of 'blogging' recently but I hope you understand why. Last night was the Young Enterprise Area Finals and i'm very pleased to say that our company 'Print your Mind' swept the awards with 'best website' 'best presenation' and 'best overall company!'Which i then swipped myself! he he. We were, to put it mildy, very suprised!

As a reward we all got a little bit of cash, some shiny trophies and a slot of Splash FM's radio show! This was fantastic and fun was had by all. We've never been stronger as a team and only teamwork could've won those awards- so well done all!Oh dear, there it was! Very true though, it was a great night too and the radio yey, poor dave hunt having us in his studio.

We now go to the next level- the South East Region Finals next Wednesday (very nerve racking!) so thank's for everyone's support and wish us luck (we'll need it!) Oh yes, cant wait for that!

Yours, as ever
Matt and Caring, loving friend Mark

p.s Mr Burden [pictured] is quite the legend with his proclimation that we'll have "world dommination" live on air!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

We're Still Here

Sorry for not posting in a while.

I'll try and get round to it by the end of this fine day.


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

SAS - Of sorts....

Just a quick post about today.

Myself and Matt went cycling over to Henfield which was a nice trek. Stopped at a few places on the way to admire the view; although one field was full of cows.

We went around Henfield for a while, got slightly lost then made our way back over the downs where the fun began.

We decided to take a slight variation on the normal route. So we went into a field which turned out to be private and had a few shotgun cartridges lying around but we managed to sneak to the top which was then all surrounded by barbed wire. Luckily we managed to hop the first fence to be confronted by another. Bikes in hand we scrambled over the next.

We were then left in a field of cows and bulls; as we slowly cycled past they all looked up and gave us evils, but we were soon out without any serious damage to ourselves and back on the way home.

An interesting day and I hope everyone’s else was just as eventual.

For now good bye

Mark and Matt

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Wonders of Today

Hello all you wonderful people out there.

It's easter time and the weather is fine. Ah well; hope everyone is making the most of there holidays and you'll have to let us know of all the funny adventures you are getting yourselves into so they can feature on this here blog. Yeah- let's make it the 'people's blog!'

First off must say a warm hello to Sarah so "Hello Sarah!!!". As im hoping you are well aware it was her birthday not very long ago. So how does it feel to be that little bit (let me get this right) ..'wiser'..? So i hope all is well and for everyone else as a matter of fact. :D Thanks for the comment Sarah [note the reply!]

Secondly you can listen to me prattle on about what myself and Matt got up to. This time thoguht, luckerly (thank God we're not taking English GCSE- O wait, nuts!), it's short and sweet as we've spent most our time just playing tons of badminton and doing a little (large) amount of cycling. So if anyones intrested in doing either of those with us we're ready to go!

For today i'll end there. Hope everyone is, and will continue to have a great easter holiday.
Bye for now

Your friend on the screen in front of you.. (i'm on the right hee hee :D)
Mark (& Matt)

Saturday, April 01, 2006


For once, the holiday starts with some sun...

All things considered, it was an active day too- mainly cos of the weather. Mark and I (along iwth our friend Dan) played a couple of hours of badminton to start us off. We then went down to Shoreham where we ran into Steph and Emma (not literally!) We were all quite bored and decided to use one of those 'crazy' touristy machine thingys. The result was the photo [inset!]

Then, just to top it all off, Mark and I went for a cycle. We realised that cycle is way, way better than just talking on msn(anyone who knows me knows I think this anyway!! It's ok, i only just found out too) It was a bit windy but hey; can't have everything.

As I sit in my room rattling on the Sun is emitting a warming, yellow glow as it gradually fades beneath the far horizan (now im pretty sure it's not meant to do that, so better say bye now). I realise how far i've come- and how far I have still to go... (hmm, it's amazing how staring out of a window can make you think deeply- maybe it's just me) I think it is just you Matthew! :D

Happy holidays!

Yours, most definately;

and his friend Mark

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