Wednesday, January 24, 2007

There's Snow Business Like Snow Business :D

Well, hello to you all! Yes, yes, yes I know- it's been at least one and a half yonks since we last posted on this baby but still, ('de facto') here we are! Today, the 24th January 2007, something quite extraordinary occured- it snowed! And it wasn't your usual 'crop dusting' no sir! This is was you genuine at-least-an-inch snowfall and boy, was it fun :D

With the trains delayed and our mind not really on study we ventured into the great Buckingham Park and much snowballing ensued- this picture [above] really captures the moment (before I hurtle that snowball in Daniel's direction- as he was behind the camera!)

After all the snowball fighting we all became friends again for what really was the most snow we've ever seen here 'down south' and embarked on another wacky adventure- we rolled this new snow into one giant ball (please, no jokes about the size of our ball- anyone who knows me knows that-we're above that :D )

And here it is, the final product! Yup- i'm nearly the size of Dan sitting on that thing! Anyway, we did go to college (eventually ;) I hope everyone had as much fun as we did today- and hope for another 'snow day' tomorrow!

God bless you all,
Matt :)

p.s Oh, and by the way, the photos we took (all 82 of them!) are avaliable at - Mark's new web album! Posted by Picasa

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