Monday, April 02, 2007

Right then, time for an update!

Why hello everybody, nice to see you again!I know, know, this little corner of the of the internet has been, frankly, stagnant for an era now- so I thought I just update you with a quick collage of the pics taken since January. In a nutshell, I've spent loads of time with my awesome friends on Brighton beach, I've jumped into a puddle, I've baked a chocolate victoria sponge for valentines day (Katie and I are as great as ever btw! :D) and I've also had the tiniest amount of influence in making a true piece of art! I've also taken up cycling for fun again- with James- to semi far-flung places such as Southwater. Anyway, it's easter now, the weather is great so far and I've been driving (lessons have started!) Visited the art museum in Brighton, and been to the ruins of a Priory in Lewes! Tuesday sees us going to Steyning forest area and Wednesday we're in London- at the Imperial War Museum no less!

Anyway, that's you up to speed- I'm sure you'll sleep much better this evening...

By the way, if you want to keep up with all of the latest pictures and explainations of all this 'stuff' James has a photo album and I use mine a lot too so go there!

Thank you for your time and I wish you the very best of luck in all that you strive for!

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