Saturday, August 05, 2006

An Apology From The Lone Ranger...

My dear friends,

Firstly my apologies for not updating the blog in a while but there hasn't been a lot of news! Mark and I now both have jobs and finding time in which to do anything is becoming difficult. A recent trip to Devil's Dyke (cycling- of course!) was pretty funny and worth a mention (we got caught in a hail storm- ouch!) Also we managed to find some 'portajon' loo's in the middle of a field and Mark was convinced that one of them could transport you across the globe! Therefore I have invented a 'TransPortaJon' - see below! Note: The name 'Trans-portajon' belongs to Matt, owever the initial idea is mine! All MINE!!!! (sorry i get possesive sometimes

(well I thought it was funny!)

Another reason for no updates has been the fact that everyone is on holiday at the moment- except me of course! (big shout to Dan, Ben, Katie and our very own Mark if they are reading this on their holidays by the way- most of them have made it to Italy!) So then, it's me 'flying solo' as they say, hope everyone is having a good holiday whatever they're doing!

Matt and Mark

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