Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Happy February! (Quite a ring to it don't ya think)

Welcome everyone to the blog in february time. Not much happened to myself and matt today but we did come across a rather ammusing news article in the times. So if your out go buy a copy of todays times now! (now that i've finsihed advertising times, i'll go onto what is actually inside the paper)

Well for starters it lloked like the perfect edition for women "What Men Really Think About." I guess for some of the ladies out there it could come in very useful. I wanted to see if the informaiton they had was actually true. Being a guy myself (yes, i know someone will leave a comment "could have fooled me", so there you go i said it for you), and having a mental capacity big enough to do more than watch football drink beer and read the Sun/ Daily Star i began delving deep into the Times to see if they had got it right.

After getting past all the other words about politics i finally reached the article in question. However after reading it i was greatly disappointed; it told me nothing that i think about. Well it mainly went on about how men don't actually think about sex every seven seconds but instead every day... Then the intrestring part came. Apparently over 50% of men fantasise about having 'fun' with animals. This is the Times we're talking about here. Not osme run down, tabloid piece of magazine such as Nuts (which lets be honest is the longesest word in that magazine in question).

I'm sorry i had to be the bearer of this news but i found it rather disturbing yet it seems very untrue to me... Well there we go. And i appologise for turning this blog into one of those mentioned down market tabloid newspapers i mentioned; lets see if i can re build its status in the next entry.

We'll be off now.
Good bye everyone

(and remember buy Times)
(this blog was in no way indorsed by Times National, Best Paper in the World, Newspaper)

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