Monday, January 23, 2006

Mark? Matt? Dead?

Ok, ok, ok, you can all stop rejoiceing now. I'm still alive, and kicking (sadly, for some)

But a near death experiance perhaps? Well me and my fellow counter part Matt were in science today (as you do) when a cloud of nitrogen (could be hyrdrogen) gas came rolling and swirling towards us. We bo9th ducked for cover by behold it was to late. Then the slow, but painful experiances and conseques of such gas came into affect. I won't go into any specific details; but i can assue you that it was not all that good.

One lesson has been learnt out of this. Science is dangerous; and like most other things should have more health and safety measures in place. But for now all i can recommened is that you stand at least 10 metres away from science at all times.

Below is an artists impression of what the scene looked like...

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