Thursday, January 26, 2006

St Andy Staff kick ass?!!

Well hello all you lovely people who have come to gaze in at the tree of knowledge and maybe, just possibly, take a bite from one of it's apples. Yeah, i've heard this story; it's in the bible and it doesnt turn out too good.

A couple of weeks of relative boredom for Mark and I ended abruptly today when serveral things happened that left us in stitches! - No it wasn't a fight just incredibly funny stuff! For him at least...

Firstly a rather amazing science lesson took place where a trend was started (I shall not enlighten you as to who) which involved making signs and holding them up. I put up one saying 'love you Funz' which was returned by one to me from Dennis stating 'Matt I still love you!' All of this was, however topped by Ed's rather fantastic 'Call Dennis 0*******90 for a good time' - Oh classic! The season of running around calling each other 'gay' has once again started. And also has the season for chavs. Waiting in the hall sitting behind a table calling out 'chav' and seeing how many people would turn around and start having a go at us (only to chavs of course). Score as it stand is 1 to me and 1 to matt.

The next amusing thing to occur was a football match between St Andrews Staff and Durrington High Staff. Tensions were high and the Standy staff looked beat as they strolled onto the pitch. Luckily Mark, myself and serveral other fantastic peers were on the sidelines yelling out classic remarks such as 'COME ON PESSIA' and 'WE DONT BOO AT ST ANDREWS BUT YOU SUCK!' Some pictures are sure to follow! And Mr 15 from Durrington (yes you know who you are), you swore at us and we want revenge! That just wasnt very nice... :(

Anywho I shall now banish you form exploring my (our) life(s) and send you back out of cyberspace! Until the next time- goodbye Yes goodbye, and for all you worryign about Standy Prom from what i've found it is being changed. So from all of us here, good bye and good night.

End socre was apparently 9-5 to St Andrews. Yeah!
*Edit: Photo*

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