Monday, December 12, 2005

Last Week, Christmas and (bizarrely) Genetics

Hiya public at large!

It's been a while since I added my two cents to the blog so I thought I’d dip into the rather limited gene pool of life and offer just a little bit of me. So, I seemed to have inadvertently blinked and in that time Christmas ran up and pushed me into a locker, as so often happens at St Andrews. Yes everyone - it's Christmas time again (in case you forgot or anything!) This all leads us to the last week of school and the most unseasonable revision for exams commencing January 3rd.

Perhaps more amusingly though- Mark, Matt and a few of our friends will be conducting a short presentation soon- all about a boy called Ben and why his hair is so blonde! The objective of this is to educate you lovely people about genetics but it should be quite amusing and is entitled 'Look Around You' after the award winning BBC comedy. We shall try to have it filmed for the site so stay tuned!

Before I sign off for the day a lovely lady called Jade asked me to mention her very kind self on the blog! Hello Jade (wave etc.!) Finally I shall leave you with the wise words of Theodore Sutrgoen 'Ninety percent of everything is crap [how very true in the sense of this blog!]
Goodnight brothers and sisters!

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