Saturday, May 13, 2006

Kiting- Feel the Power!

Hello boys and girls,

Today the unspeakable has happened, it's something truely wonderous- there was wind! Admittedly, this doesn't sound particularly thrilling but, for us, it meant only one thing; PowerKiting!

Mark and I ventured down to the Adur Rec very early indeed and after some very technical stuff (inolving knots and lines) the Kite was set up and ready to fly! All it took was a gentle tug of the controls (and a little whistling for the wind! [see windy miller] we were up and away! It was surprisingly easy to control (hell, even I could do it!) and all was good- until it got windier, really windier!

In the end the wind became so strong that I was pulled from one side of the rec to the other! And the arrival of Loz did nothing to help the wind speed (loz should be able to control the weather!) The result was a fray on Mark's brake doohicky, but it was fun nevertheless!

Funky stuff with more to come,


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