Monday, February 27, 2006

AHHH- The Happy Squirrel!!!!

Hello again, I come to you today with disturbing news.

It all began on Sunday when Mark, myself and a couple of friend where enjoying one of our normal games of poker (as you do!) I was losing (as usual) and so my mind wondered to talking about tarot cards. Daniel, a friend of ours, had actually never heard of them!- a crime in itself. He then dug himself into a deeper hole (as usual) by asking us if it was a poker hand! Lol- yeah right 'Mark has two pair but I have the Happy Squirrel!' (However, luckerly my hand still won)

Anyway, short story short, this made me remember a great simpsons episode (being a Simpsons nut myself!) where they mentioned the worst tarot card imaginable- 'The Happy Squirrel!' This made me laugh so much that I went on a little quest over it and found out that companies actually do produce it- it exists!

So if you see me in the next few days don't be surprised if i randomly outburst will 'ahhh- the happy squirrel!' as it's gotta be one of the funniest things in existance!

(not to worry folks, the men in white coats will be along to escort him away shortly)

Special shout goes out to Jess (again!) Yes Hello She's not been predicted the happy squirrel yet but she sure is happy about our blog! Trust me - a good thing - no one mention the happy squirrel to him! And also to Jen, a new face on our blog! [gotta love cheesy lines!] I see no cheese? anywho heregoes 'hello jess and jen! (could this become a 'bill and ben-style double act!'lol) OOOooo! You used 'lol' thats like a crime on here parts.

(yeah, i'll hurry those men up, not to worry)

Yours, randomly as always .... Matt

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