Thursday, December 21, 2006

So- here it is- MERRY CHRISTMAS

Hello and seasons greetings to you all,

First and foremost Merry Christmas indeed to all those who've taken the time to read this sentence :D Indeed, the time of the year when we buy presents, leave out carrots and chomp on endless, endless piles of sweets (or 'candy' as the yanks call it) is more or less upon us once again- Christmas 2006- it's gonna be an interesting one folks. 2006 has been, now I think about it, a wacky rollercoaster of a year- so I made a video to 'organise my thoughts' as it were. You may sample this at your leisure here: do enjoy that!

This is just a little montage of pics from the last day of college where Ben and his 'crew' played to us all on stage (whilst a crack team of party poppers made their way to the front for an ambush!) James' festive elf hat is of particular interest!

Well that just about wraps it up and, if I don't see you before- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!

All the very best, God bless

Matt xxx ;-D Posted by Picasa

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