Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Old Skool

Hello lovely people!

I promised those pictures of us 'back in the day' earlier and they didn't upload- still, i've put some in the magic box below!

'Old Skool' - Friends

Enjoy, love and best wishes- Matt :D

Monday, October 16, 2006

Fancy Dress? (Or do we always dress like this!)

Yep, here we all are folks- as promised- in our fancy dress gear, I hope it doesn't scare you too much! More to follow soon or if you can't wait go to www.danriggs.blogspot.com for more photos! Thanks Emma great party!

Thanks to the moderately large response to my last post, it's always nice to get comments as it makes me feel loved- not ignored hehe. Also a shout to Maddi (can't believe I missed her out!) So it's thanks all round!

God bless!,
Matt Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 14, 2006

The Good ol' Days, Laughing and Fancy Dress

Hey'up everyone!! :D

Just thought I’d update you as I need to keep into this regularly rhythm of posting that I've managed to maintain for several weeks! Also, this post is gonna be a tad picture heavy I’m afraid, still you might find some of it amusing!

Firstly things first, us! My good friend Dan (http://www.danriggs.blogspot.com/) - go there -now! has just done a little post about the best pictures of us four, very touching I know- and we love for it. This prompted me a little bit to tell some of the back story between us four and show all of you our humble beginnings!

Me and Ben have known each other since birth, really (our birthdays are a day apart, with Ben's being on the 17th of September and me the 18th) so Ben's a day old- and he'll never let me forget that! So Ben and I have actually been friends longer than Dan and Mark have been alive! hehe! (if you want to get technical!) Anyway, over the years Dan and then Mark joined our tight-knit group resulting in the four of us today. I can't remember in the haze of time exactly how long the four of us have been friends, I but estimate at least 12 years! Anyway, I’ve embedded a few pics of our 'early days' which I hope you'll like- nothing really changes does it?

Anyway, today we reach a new milestone, that's right- Dan's dressing up as a big, grey bear (bet you didn't see that commin' !!) In actual fact, all four of us are donning some fancy dress for Emma Humphries' Party tonight - before I forget HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA!- (it was actually earlier in the week but hey, saying it now!) an so we're all quite excited about that. I know you'll want to see this so pictures will be taken and posted, I promise.

Oooo, that was a long post wasn't it? If you've reached the end- congratulations!

My love to everyone (shall I put lots of names?- awww go on!) inc. My gf Katie ( <3 ) and Ben (ben montage- coming soon!), Dan (he has a blog too!), James Doc ( a whizz at politics!), Sarah (she still reads! - bless, thanks for the comments!) , Christie (in Bermuda) fainting Katie (she might read this?) and sorry to anyone I've missed out!

God bless,

Friday, October 13, 2006

Bikes Bite

Why is everyone scared of cyclign now, well not everyone, but that includes Matt, Dan, Ben, ok maybe its jsut them 3.

Anyway, went cycling with my good freidn Loz last sunday (thanks Loz!) it was great, found an AMAZING route after devilks dyke, got a punture, broke all my tyre levers, and ltos of other stuff happened.

If anyone wants to come on an epic let me know. Me and Loz should be doing another one this sunday, so ill keep you updated with new routes and pictures next time too! (and Loz if your reaidn gthis we're going cyclign on sunday)

Ta, hope everyone is well, will have to meet up with people some time!

Love to ya all, Mark

Friday, October 06, 2006

Just keeping you posted....!

Yep, as you can tell from the cheap pun it's Matt talkin' ! Ok, ok I'm very sorry for not posting very much lately- it's been kinda busy around here. Between the rain, Dan's fan club with legions of girls and job interviews i've barely had time to blink before something else crazy happens again.

So, where to begin. Number one, I got a new job! (which i'm happy about) from November 18th I shall be a library assistant at Worthing Library (the glamour never stops does it hehe!) Secondly, I got cold and wet and 'orrible yesterday as a I lent my jacket and coat to a friend in the rain! (brrrr!) Finally, Dan's stopped a girl he quite likes the look off in Geography no less! She has been reported to have said is 'like the cutest guy i've like ever met'! (awww, he's going up!) but i'm sure Dan will talk all about that on his blog!

Anyway, because I wanted to break up this blog a bit i've put a couple of random pics in!!! First is Dan, what a legend (that is in French apparently!) and the second is me looking either thoughtful or crazy!

Anyway, you can go away now feeling up to speed!
God bless,

p.s Shouts to Kate (my Katie) Katie (Reed or 'fainting kaite') and Dan (good luck ;D

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