London it is then...
Hey folks,
This was actually a while ago now but i've been putting off bloggin' about it because we did so much! On the 7th July we went up to London for the weekend with the school- it was great fun and you can view all the lovely pics here (if you're really bored!) -
To summerise we saw women in black, we had giant ice creams at box hill, we ate pizza hut outta bisunsess, we slept, kept ringing each other up, we went on 'uncle azzarros tour of london!',
we went to the aquarium, we went in simulators, we shot things (no joke!), dan got whiplash on a dogem!, we played air hockey, WE WENT ON THE EYE!, we chilled a starbucks in a tendy rengent street shop, we went to hamleys, we played with bouncy balls all over trafalgar square, we soaked up the atmoshpere in lester square, we saw a good film in the best cinema EVER!, we went to the science mueseam, actuallly saw a good imax film!, we (I) touched a spitfire, we got stuck in taffic (whilst we were singing to 'uptown girl! lmao!) and we came home again
So now you know- peace out :D
Birthday Announcement !
Hiya Folks,
Partly out of request, and partly out of the kindness of my heart i'd like to wish Jade a very happy 16th Birthday indeed! Happy birthday Jade and congratulations from us and the blog (it has a mind of it's own!)
Jade has been a reader of the blog ever since it began and so I thought she deserved a mention- many happy returns!!! :D
Kinds regards,
Matt (and Mark too when he finds out/ reads this I'm sure!)
p.s If anyone else wants their birthday on the blog yet me know!!!!
Eye of the Tiger!
By popular (or unpopular demmand!) Here's yet another powerkiting video! We're limited to light winds but, a little bit of quick editing and a funky tune can make something lame just a little bit better (I hope!) Please, sit back, and enjoy!
Your pal
Uncle Matt
Chat on our Blog!
What could you want to do more than talk while on our blog?
Thats right! Now you can tlak with your friends and argue with us while on our blog. Just go to... a little box will appear like the one if the picture. From here you can tlak to anyone who has also followed the link above and is on our blog! Talk to your friends in lessons and such alike! Yey!
Check it out... its FUN!
From your little ray of hope.
Take care
(oh and yes, me and matt have lost it!)
UPDATE: For some reason you can't clikc on the hyperlink. So instead copy and past the address into your adress bar thingy and clik enter. That should do it. Any problems leave a comment. The address again is
Update 2: Neven underestimate the power of our readers! (Especially you Dan!)
Well, it's about time I hear you cry! As the blog hasn't been updated for a while we've had literally five demands for a new blog- and a new video! So here it is.... my latest video- and it's all about tennis, watch....
Well, I hope you enjoyed that! I was also just thinking about doing a post about our regular readers! I know Katie and Maddi have been dying for a post- maybe Jade, Alex, Loz and everyone... anywho we'll see!
From the regular little ray of sunshine in your life,
Lazy Days...
Really should update this thing.
Ok, not to worry, somethign big is coming soon so just hang on.
Just got back from London so thats why we haven't really blogged much but more is to come dont you worry!
Much love.
Take the Challenge!
Real or Fake? (there pictures OK! nothing else!)
You decide!